of spring? no.

dear spring. i have waited so patiently. i even have been wearing spring dresses with tights, waiting quietly for you. waiting through surprise snow slash sleet blizzards. waiting while taking spring roxs (walk+roxy) through dead fields, under dead trees with a dead heart in need of your vitalizing powers. still you heartlessly tease, never staying to commit. so i'm not sorry that when you flirtingly sprouted those golden flowers, i ripped a stem off and put it on my windowsill. diss.

of childhood

member this mom?
i did learn something from you.

of obsession #2

i am absolutely 400%, head over heels, smitten by this wedding. maybe i was late to class because i couldn't stop looking at them...maybe i teared up over one particular picture. ridiculousity is ingrained in my being. dear future lover: accept my ridiculousness AND kiss my ruffly-stilettod feet on a green hill in california at sunset (too much to ask?). probably my new favorite place in the world is stylemepretty.com. this blog makes me giddy. oh shes so gorgeously classic. and her DRESS. and her HAIR. and her MAN. and her PHOTOGRAPHER (http://www.docuvitae.com/ this site is packed FULL of candid, romantic, heart-fluttering gorgeousity.)
 ohmygosh. you can and must see the whole gallery here (i'm particularly giddy about the couple, the dress and the shoes. but the rest of the wedding is amazing too)