uncle nikon

last night on the way home, uncle nikon said "otay, only wifteen minutes. thirsty? just quickly. i'm crazy enough for sure." our confusion quickly cleared up when he lead us down a small dirt path to a loud, drunk and christmas light-ed hut. so we sat on a little table with a winnie the pooh table cloth next to a dirty little pond. everything about the next half an hour was insaaanely hilarious.

1. uncle nikon toasting 'forget the past, live for the future' and 'good things never last' over and over
2. realizing the half naked girls that perched next to us and so dilligently attended to our fantas and ice were probably prostitutes
3. uncle nikon karaokeing with every bit of emotion he could muster to a horrible HORRIBLE thai music video set in new zealand
4. swarms of thai men throwing out words they know in english

its ok mom. im safe.


  1. dang girl. prostitutes? haha you are living life.

  2. no margo those are sister future sister missionaires....
