fon tok = rain

last night i fell in love with this big giant tractor with flood lights lighting up the rice paddy behind my house. how is it that a big giant tractor with flood lights is so romantic and rustic and mysterious in a thai rice paddy? i dont know. but it lulled me to sleep alllll night.


at three i was woken up by the delicious pattering of tropical rainstorm on the ceramic roof. the morning was ethereal.  every color was instantly more vibrant (i love how rain does this) and the lush jungly hills were half hidden in fog and everything was clean and fresh and (dare i say) COOL. i was so twitterpated with the weather that (without thinking straight about my fitness level) i decided on going for a run. down the cattle path, rice paddies and watter buffalo on one side, jurassic park mountains on the other, everything made 2049234 times more beautiful with the rain.
 (now of course its cleared up and scorching everything alive)

(abicycling to school with bag of longans for breakfast)